Veterans Re-Design


UX/UI Design for Prudential Financial


The Veterans Initiative at Prudential connects and recruits employees with military backgrounds and provides them with support and job resources. The team that runs the division requested a re-design of their website, which very much needed to be updated. The project was intended to better represent the surrounding community, employees and military families at Prudential, articulating a cause that had tremendous impact throughout the company.

What I did: 

I worked with another UX designer (who handled the initial wireframes) and an Information Architect in the beginning of this project. It was a large initiative and as the project continued I worked on some of the UX and wireframes in addition to handling all UI and visual design.  

veterans home-01.png

Step 1: Working Session:

One of our initial meetings was a white boarding session with the Veterans team. The goal was to plan and identify opportunities that would align with our business goals for the site.


Step 2: Persona Workshop

During the persona workshop we identified 4 different types of people who might visit the website: Transitioning Veteran, Military Spouse, Student Veteran and a soldier in Active Duty. We decided on two use cases for each persona that might drive them to use the website. Our activities in the workshop were a post-it brainstorming session and dot voting (marking items of most importance) to generate ideas and gain insights into each persona’s motivation, emotional state and their needs. This allowed us to emphasize with any of their frustrations and provided us with a list of what was necessary to include on the site. 

veterans website-01.png

Step 3: Research

We conducted competitive research to see what features other large organizations were including on their military websites.

Step 4 & 5: Information Architecture and Wireframes

Once the information architecture was laid out the wireframes were the next step, here are a few rough sketches I did and some of the initial low-fi wireframes from the site.


Step 6: Visual Design

Upon approval from the veterans team I took charge of the visual design for the site. I chose images that were emotional and representative of military life and created a clean interface that would proudly represent their community.


Mobile Design