Sign-off Experience



UX/UI Design for Prudential Financial


Thousands of users every year encounter the sign-off page while using their Prudential personal account. An opportunity was identified to optimize the experience by creating a more visually appealing page, utilizing the space for advertising and incorporating quick links for additional user engagement. The page needed to include the action to log back in, but the primary CTA on the page would be promoting and selecting an instant life insurance quote. 

What I did:

I worked on the user experience and visual design for this page. The page had a high traffic volume so creativity and custom development was encouraged, there was freedom to create an experience that was effective and compelling. I worked with a developer and an ADA team member to ensure the page was accessible and feasible for our company standards. There was a lot of content that was intended to live on the page and incorporating all of it, while keeping it clean and visually pleasing was an exciting challenge.


Below are some initial rough sketches I did to explore layout. Eventually I decided one full bleed image would make a powerful statement and designed the content around that.

sign off presentation-02.png

Visual Exploration:

Being deliberate of the space was important, so that regardless of how the browser was adjusted, the text and CTA would still be readable and accessible. I experimented with color and photography, trying to depict the emotion that would best represent protection and life insurance.

sign off presentation-03.png

Option 1:

option 1.jpg

Option 2:

option 2.jpg

Option 3:

option 3.jpg

Mobile Design:
